Saturday, June 30, 2007


It is the end of June, and I would be remiss if I did not discuss the unrivaled heat and humidity of a Washington, D.C., summer. I have been to Hawaii, Florida, Central America, the Caribbean and nothing can compare. Walking out into a D.C. Summer day feels like walking straight into someone's mouth: a steamy 98.6 degrees, not a Winterfresh mouth.

You will sweat. All the time. Whether you are taking a casual stroll through Georgetown, sitting calmly under the shade of a tree in Rock Creek Park or making a quick run to the nearest corner store, you will sweat. You will sweat so much that, if you didn't know better, you may believe you were suffering from hyperhidrosis. If you live in D.C., you know what I'm talking about.

Air conditioning in your house or apartment is not optional. Seriously. If anyone tells you otherwise, they wish you much misery. The Facilities Management department at my medical school, on the other hand, does not share my belief that air conditioning is essential during the summer. Orientation began early (traumatic enough) and we were horrified to find that the air conditioning had not been turned on in our lecture hall. I believe Facilities Management enjoyed making us suffer until a set number of complaints were logged. Until that threshold was reached, I should have done what many classmates did and extended my final Summer break.

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