Saturday, August 25, 2007


A friend, who attends one of the two other medical schools in the District, recently forwarded to me the June 2007 AAFP Student Update. The Update, from the American Academy of Family Physicians, highlighted the following 9 Tips to Surviving Medical School:
  1. Eat healthy
  2. Exercise
  3. Stay connected with friends and family
  4. Maintain a sense of humor
  5. Find time for a hobby or non-medical talent
  6. Meditate
  7. Celebrate holidays or special occasions
  8. Find a mentor
  9. Reflect on why you are becoming a doctor and find solace in your motives
The lessons I learned during the first year of medical school (as fas as being successful) are exactly these. And my guess is that you've seen these mentioned before on many of the medical student blogs.

Last year, I wasn't good about exercising and keeping a good diet. This year I have a plan and have been sticking to it fairly well. Now that I have this blog, I will be reflecting about my medical school experience often, and hopefully that will be a rewarding experience. I try to maintain a good sense of humor, but it can be difficult at times. The same goes with keeping in touch with family and friends. I'll have to work on those two. And, I need to find a faculty adviser/mentor (though my 3rd year mentor is great).

To the other medical school bloggers out there: Has blogging been a positive experience for you?

To medical students at large: Do you have any other tips for surviving medical school?

I would probably add "Become a better test-taker" to the list. Perhaps I'll write about that soon (such a backlog of ideas for posts). The AAFP offers some other tips (e.g. time management skills, life balance) which may be accessed here.

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